Affecting our daily life...
At work, at home, in the community; our relationship with God impacts every relationship. We have been called to love God and love others. It's not always easy, but that is why God uses His Word (to show us), His Spirit (to empower us), His Son (to inspire us), and others (to encourage us).
What's going on at Pine Run...
Sundays and Wednesdays we gather to encourage, pray, learn, remember Jesus' death for us and His resurrection that give us a future in heaven.
We remember and visit our shut-ins.
We strive to share God's love with others.
Newsletter and calendar are printed each month and are available for pick up at the church or by email.
Great to see almost every family had at least one visitor for the Children's Christmas Program!
New programs for children & teens!
We remember and visit our shut-ins.
We strive to share God's love with others.
Newsletter and calendar are printed each month and are available for pick up at the church or by email.
Great to see almost every family had at least one visitor for the Children's Christmas Program!
New programs for children & teens!