The church is "to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up..." (Ephesians 4:12). Pine Run continues to equip people for works of service that they might serve here and throughout the world.
Jesus called for us to: Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." We pray for and remember those who have left and gone on as Christ's Servants in other parts of the world. |
Lowell Mason
David and Dawn DeglerDavid and Dawn reside in Parker, Colorado.
David received a Bachelor of Religious Education degree from Great Lakes Christian College. He earned his Master of Divinity degree from Emmanuel Christian Seminary. He is a staff member of “A Christian Ministry in National Parks” ( Director of Program & Leadership, David coordinates and oversees all components of our ministry program in the parks. ACMNP training and ministry programs are designed to ensure that ACMNP team members provide impactful ministry in the parks while developing leadership qualities and skills for future service in the church and world. Dawn grew up at Pine Run. She attended Great Lakes Christian College. She teaches Preschool at Southeast Christian Church. David and Dawn have 2 sons. Jonathan and daughter-in-law, Amanda, have two children named Olive and Desmond. Alex served as an airborne medic in the Army and is married to Kana. |
David Anderson"David Anderson has spent the past 26 years working at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Pursuing his passion of becoming a Christian Teacher, he is in the middle of completing a second Master's degree in Bible and Theology from Lincoln Christian University and expected to graduate in 2018. He leads a house church (approximately 20 people) meeting weekly in his home where he teaches scripture and meets individually with couples strengthening their personal relationship with God. It is within Pine Run Church David first saw God's love in the fellowship and mentoring of its members especially Mr. Esse, Mr. and Mrs. Getchell, and Mrs. Jones."