HebrewsLearn about the greatness of Jesus and the difference between the new & old covenant
Lesson 2 Hebrews 1-3 Lesson 3 Hebrews 4-6 Lesson 4 Hebrews 7-9 Lesson 5 Hebrews 10, 11 Lesson 6 Hebrews 12, 13 Jude |
JamesDiscover how your faith should be seen in your everyday life. James deals with how we treat others, how we talk and how humility before God can raise us up.
Lesson 7 James 1-3 Lesson 8 James 4-5 |
I & 2 PeterPeter writes to Christians who are facing persecution. He provides encouragement and insight on how to deal with the threats.
Lesson 9 I Peter Lesson 10 2 Peter |
I, 2 & 3 JohnJohn deals with Christians being honest with themselves and realizing the life that God has called them to. He emphasizes that God's children should be known for their love for others.
Lesson 11 1, 2, 3 John |